The Hearts of Camp No Limits

The Hearts of Camp No Limits are individuals who have attended camp. Read their stories and meet CNL’s amazing community.

Jackson Delude
Camp No Limits Camper

When Jackson Delude was born with limb deformities, his doctor thought he’d never live an independent lifestyle. After nine years, he has continuously shown them otherwise through his positive attitude and determination to succeed! Jackson was born with a condition called Tibial aplasia-ectrodactyly syndrome, which caused him to be missing his ulna, wrists, knees and tibia bones in his legs. His parents decided to amputate his legs and leave his arms as is, rather than numerous painful surgeries, in hopes to give him a better lifestyle. Two weeks before his first birthday was when he had his amputations, and was put in ‘stubbie’ prosthetics as soon as possible.

Jackson started Physical Therapy as well, to practice using his new legs. They had him trying out a lot of obstacle courses and tasks to get him engaged and having fun! Once he turned five, he started school and had to leave the comfort of his own home. There were numerous plans in action for Jackson to do well. Ashley, his mom, says “he can show you what he can do and what he’ll need for adaptations.” She also states that at the beginning of the school year, she shows his teachers how to maintain his prosthetics. Now, Jackson is getting better at teaching them about it himself. This past year, Jackson had a HUGE step in independence at school. He advocated well for himself, and knows it’s okay to ask for help. He also participates a lot in sports through his school, including soccer, wrestling, and lacrosse (which seems to be his favorite!

Jackson was first introduced to Camp No Limits through his prosthetist, when he was only three years old. At this time, his family had only known one other amputee, so this was a big step for them! Immediately, he was able to jump in, participate, make friends and have FUN! Jackson absolutely loved playing at Camp, and his mom says that he’s a different person there- so much more open, social and comfortable when he’s surrounded by his “own people”. During their second or third year, they met their forever friends at Camp! Jackson says his favorite thing about Camp No Limits is the feeling he gets when he sees his favorite people. “There’s nothing quite like being around those who understand you!”

Although there has already been so many great things said about Jackson, he has also acquired a love for outdoor activities like fishing, wood working, mini golf and driving four wheelers. All of these are done independently by him, because he wants to do things for himself just like everyone else. Jackson, you are absolutely crushing it and you continue to make a difference EVERYDAY! We can’t wait to see what life has in store for you in the future!

Post written by Bella Tucker

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