The Hearts of Camp No Limits

The Hearts of Camp No Limits are individuals who have attended camp. Read their stories and meet CNL’s amazing community.

Lana Bargnesi
Camp No Limits Camper

After being diagnosed with cancer at the age of 14, Lana knew it was important that she eventually does something to give back what was so freely given to her, so she decided to go to Nursing school last fall, at the University of Rhode Island. After being diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, Lana lost her leg, but this has not stopped her from keeping her incredible attitude and her drive to succeed! The road has not been easy though- Lana first felt very bad pain in her leg, which even started to feel paralyzing. Once she was diagnosed, they did six rounds of chemotherapy and even tried a bone transplant. By the end of it all, she had to amputate, but now she’s cancer-free and THRIVING! 

Because of this experience, Lana has decided to pursue nursing and help others, just as she was helped. Lana shares with us, “I got into nursing from living in the hospital for years while fighting cancer. I want to make it more inclusive and help those in the hospital be comfortable and healthy. I love to feel loved, and I want to include that into the healthcare field”. With that kind of commitment and experience, there’s no doubt she’ll do great!

Lana and her family were first introduced to Camp No Limits by her prosthetist at Hanger Clinic. It was only a few months later that she attended her first camp in Connecticut, which was very soon after her amputation. Camp No Limits was brand new for her and unlike anything she has ever experienced, so there was a lot for her and her family to take in and learn. Two of her greatest accomplishments at Camp was riding a bike for the first time AND trying running blades- such a big step, but she did it! Lana explains that she wants to further that skill, but it really pushed her out of her comfort zone, and she is taking it one day at a time! She says that she felt an instant connection with other campers, and felt that she could form instant friendships because they were JUST like her. Now, she can accept and love her limb difference, and practice having a positive outlook on life.

“Don’t judge others. I’ve gotten a lot of judgement through my journey and I think you just can’t judge people for who they are. Don’t stare, don’t question, I’m a normal human being so treat everyone regularly! Yeah I have limb differences, but I can still do anything.” -Lana

Thank you for sharing your story with us, you are incredible!

 Post written by Bella Tucker

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