The Hearts of Camp No Limits

The Hearts of Camp No Limits are individuals who have attended camp. Read their stories and meet CNL’s amazing community.

David Greeley
Camp No Limits Mentor

Today, we’d love to share a bit about one of our AMAZING mentors here at Camp No Limits, the one and only David Greeley. David was only eight years old when he was riding his bicycle and was hit by a car. He was rushed to the children’s hospital by helicopter, and began his healing journey. David doesn’t remember much from the day of the accident, nor the next five+ months that he spent in rehab learning how to walk, talk and become independent again. David was doing physical therapy for the walking, gait training and balancing exercises, and OT for speech. His goal was to strengthen his upper extremities to become independent again.

In 2012, when David was 12 years old, his dad found out about Camp No Limits and suggested that David attend. Maryland camp was his first camp ever. Naturally, he didn’t know what to expect, so he was hesitant but was still really excited to attend. That first year he did all of the awesome activities that camp offered and even tackled the huge swing. David attended annually throughout his teenage years as a camper and then ultimately, after 18 he became a mentor! This role came easily to him because he spent so much time as a camper, and really lives the mission of camp. He is always lending a helping hand, answering questions, and showing up wherever needed at camp. 

When David was in High School, he was introduced to sled hockey, which he really enjoyed playing – just like our other superstar mentors David Eustace and Jack Wallace! Currently, David is in college, working on becoming a prosthetic technician. His goal is to transfer colleges upon finishing his prerequisites and head to school in Florida. 

Something that David is really proud of was when he did a 4-Wheeler race and made it past the four mile marker! This is HUGE, because the track goes through the woods and has many obstacles, making the race very difficult. David’s next goal is to beat that four-mile mark, which we KNOW HE WILL! Racing 4-wheelers and dirt bikes is something his dad’s friend got him into at a very young age, even before his accident. David adapted after his accident and still rides- even better now, he says! What inspired David to join the race was after watching one in person and realizing that he could do this, too! He keeps up with his riding skills and goes out on rides monthly. 

David continues to inspire us here at Camp No Limits with his positive energy, outlook on life, guitar and singing skills (“Dead Rabbit!”) and his desire and commitment to keep growing and learning physically and academically. We LOVE YOU David and don’t know what we’d do without you.

Post written by Bella Tucker and Alex Barone

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