The Hearts of Camp No Limits

The Hearts of Camp No Limits are individuals who have attended camp. Read their stories and meet CNL’s amazing community.

Anna Grace
Camp No Limits Camper

Anna Grace, 9, is one of the most energetic, dedicated, and joyful campers at Camp No Limits! She was born missing her leg and the doctors thought she may never walk. Fortunately, Anna Grace NEVER backs down from a challenge. By the time her adoptive mother, Wynne, arrived in China to take AG home, when she was only about 27 months old, she was already trying to walk! Now, she’s running around all over, and even represents her differences daily- her leg has a quote printed on it from The Greatest Showman, “I am who I’m meant to be, this is me!” You got that right! 

Anna Grace and her family found out about Camp No Limits through Facebook. They’re in a group that is specific for kids from China who have limb differences, and someone posted about Camp, which inspired AG to get more involved with the community. During the pandemic, she was only able to attend camps virtually. This gave her a glimpse into the experience, and allowed her to make so many friends and connections! “Now she knows she’s not the only one in the world with a limb difference,” says Wynne. She wants her daughter to be surrounded by role models that understand her and help her in ways that she doesn’t know how. 

Thankfully in 2022, Anna Grace has been able to attend an in-person Camp! Her first one was Camp No Limits Florida, this past January. She was able to finally meet the people that she connected with virtually, and left with new skills and a refreshed mindset. AG got to make new friends, but even more special was that she got to share the experience with her mom and sister! There were many favorite activities for AG, but one that stuck out to her was acting/improv. She loves to try out different characters and storylines, and is even taking these acting skills outside of Camp! Her sister, who was also adopted from China, absolutely loved doing energizers- that was her favorite! 

Other activities AG enjoys are playing instruments and singing- a girl of many talents! She practices piano at home, and is currently taking violin lessons. She is also very physically active, and enjoys flag football and running. She’s been doing a running group through children’s hospital, and uses a sports specific prosthetic for it! Once, she tried doing a 5k, and ran 3 miles straight with her prosthetic. That kind of endurance and skill is unreal! You’re too awesome, AG. 

Anna Grace says, “When I grow up, I want to be a motivational speaker and work at places like Camp.” You’re already on your way there AG and we can’t wait to see your growth! 

Post written by Bella Tucke

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