The Hearts of Camp No Limits

The Hearts of Camp No Limits are individuals who have attended camp. Read their stories and meet CNL’s amazing community.

Olivia Dowell
Camp No Limits Camper

Olivia was first born, her parents decided right off the bat that she would not have limitations in her life- regardless of her limb difference. Because of this, she’s been able to experience so many fun activities, including sports- her two favorites being soccer and swimming- she even has a super cool pink soccer ball! Olivia was born missing her hand and is currently in second grade. She spends a bunch of time with her family, doing things like hiking, yoga, and crafting, to name just a few. Olivia simply doesn’t hold back, and we love her for it!

She first got involved with virtual camps, and loved contributing to the arts and crafts fun. This allowed her to get her feet wet, before attending her very first in-person camp. Her family had no idea what to expect when attending camp, and hadn’t had any previous experience with the limb loss community. It was very new to them, but they arrived with open arms and jumped right in. Olivia excelled in our Occupational Therapy group, and loved the activities, making stress balls and yarn monsters.

When Olivia isn’t rocking out with her creativity, she likes to kick it with her school friends. They tend to go to the playground, read books, and jump on the trampoline. Olivia has recently gotten into video games, playing with her Nintendo Switch. With no adaptations, she can hit those controls perfectly and participate in some fun games. Sounds pretty awesome!

Regardless of how well things are going, life can still be super challenging, just like it is for everyone at times. Over the years, Olivia has begun reciting positive affirmations each day to bring in the good vibes. Some of these include “my smile is awesome!”, “I am absolutely beautiful”, and “I feel good”! Olivia’s Mom even states that Olivia has continuously taught them so much and helps them with her positive words and attitude too. She truly knows how to keep smiling, and be AWESOME! We’re so happy you joined us and are part of the Camp No Limits family!

Post written by Bella Tucker

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