The Hearts of Camp No Limits

The Hearts of Camp No Limits are individuals who have attended camp. Read their stories and meet CNL’s amazing community.

Tanner and Delaney Higgins
Camp No Limits Camper and Sibling

It’s not common that you get to live and experience such incredible things with a buddy by your side from the START! But our camper, Tanner, was born missing his right arm- and is also a twin! He and his sister Delaney have been through it all together and have quite the support system. They both really enjoy getting to do new things with one another- like playing sports, traveling and hanging out with their friends.

Recently, their family moved from New Jersey to Florida! This was a big step, having to start fresh at a new school with new people, but the transition has been great. One of Tanner’s favorite activities is video games, and he still gets to keep in touch with his old buddies this way. They compete, chat and challenge each other. Some other activities Tanner has been involved ih are t-ball (at a young age), soccer and karate. He says there’s always some curiosity from his peers and classmates about his limb difference, but he gets to use this time as a way to teach and show them his skills. Tanner and Delaney are gearing up towards the end of the 8th grade- how exciting! 

For Delaney, she’s been super committed to Baton twirling as her main sport of interest. She competes in competitions and she ALWAYS kills it! Even at Camp, she’ll show us her incredible skills in the talent show and it blows us away every time. Her family has a history of twirling, so it only made sense for Delaney to join the club! With the recent move to Florida, she was able to adjust really well and has made many new friends and connections through her sport. She says that she loves being a twin and she always loves to make fun of him- as most siblings do! 

Their mom, Janice, found out about Camp No Limits and wanted the kids to try it out. The first Camp they came to was Maine, and they’ve been coming to it ever since. Originally, it felt overwhelming since they had never experienced something like this before, but at the end of the day, it was amazing for them. Some activities they enjoyed were adventure day, sibling activities and swimming! A word they used to describe Camp after leaving was ‘acceptance.’ Finally, they were able  to develop a community of people who understood them. Plus, they found ways to overcome Tanner’s shy personality, and take these tools home with them and apply them to everyday life. Tanner says that Camp showed them how to approach people and talk to those with limb loss. We’re so happy you could have such great takeaways! Thank you for being a part of our Camp family!

Post written by Bella Tucker

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